Funding Opportunities
Travel Grants
PRI offers travel grants of up to $500 each to support PRI trainees in presenting their research at conferences worldwide. Eligible applicants must be current PRI lab members and first authors of a research poster or presentation at the event they plan to attend. This opportunity is available for all career stages and throughout the year.
Seed Grants
Proposals were due by March 1, 2025 for the third cohort of PRI Seed Grants. The recipients will be announced later this spring.
PRI seeks proposals for innovative, collaborative research projects focused on plant resilience. These high-risk, high-reward initiatives should explore novel ideas that are not currently funded or part of existing programs. Eligible applicants include MSU graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, with at least one Co-PI affiliated with a PRI lab. Faculty members are not permitted to serve as PIs or Co-PIs, and individuals may participate as PI or Co-PI on only one proposal.
Please stay tuned for the next call for proposals. The list of previously funded projects can be found here.