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Education & Training

Graduate Programs

The Plant Resilience Institute (PRI) offers a vibrant research environment, with faculty members engaged in a wide range of interdisciplinary research activities. Affiliated with several departments and programs on campus, PRI provides a diverse and collaborative community for graduate students working in its laboratories.

Prospective graduate students interested in joining PRI are encouraged to apply through the Molecular Plant Sciences (MPS) graduate program or the BioMolecular Science Gateway, specifying their interest in being considered by PRI and indicating any faculty members whose research aligns with their interests. It is also recommended to reach out to core PRI faculty to inquire about potential openings in their labs, as not all faculty members accept students every year.

Additionally, applicants referred by affiliated degree-granting departments and programs are also considered. Learn more about plant science at Michigan State University here.


Graduate students in PRI are fully funded, but several do also apply for outside support. Award of a fellowship in recognition of outstanding performance can be an attractive addition to a resume, and in some cases the stipend may be slightly larger. Fellowship opportunities may be found at the Graduate School Funding website.


Training Next-Gen Plant Scientists

Michigan State University has one of the highest concentrations of plant scientists in the world with over 200 plant science faculty. Through a 5,200-acre campus outfitted with research laboratories, greenhouses, and trial farms, as well as 15 outlying agricultural research centers throughout Michigan, MSU fosters an environment where collaboration and innovation are second nature. Learn more about some of the plant science training opportunities available at MSU below:

Professional Development Events

PRI holds regular seminars and workshops focued on the professional development of trainees. These events foster engaging discussions on essential topics such as responsible conduct of research, career preparation, writing skills, and more. Visit our events page for more information.