Lab |
4210 MP-AES with SPS4 Autosampler, Agilent For element analysis |
1 | Rouached | PSSB A498A | Hatem Rouached |
407510 Heavy Duty Dissolved Oxygen Meter with PC interface, Extech Instrument For dissolved oxygen or oxygen in the air measurements |
1 |
Gilbert | KBS Academic 223 | Kadeem Gilbert |
CI-110 Plant Canopy Imager, CID Bio-Science For leaf area index meter |
1 | Thompson | PSSB A261 | Addie Thompson |
CI-203 Handheld Laser Leaf Area Meter, CID Bio-Science For leaf area measurement |
1 | Thompson | PSSB A261 | Addie Thompson |
Dionex Integrion HPIC System, Thermo Fisher Scientific For anions analysis |
1 | Rouached | PSSB A498A | Hatem Rouached |
Eijkelkamp Wet Sieving Appartus, Forestry Suppliers For wet stable soil aggregate stability measurement |
1 | Sprunger | KBS LTAR field lab | Meredith Mann |
Fast Isoprene Sensor, Hills Scientific For isoprene meassurements, continuous or injection |
1 | Sharkey | PBL 210 | Thomas Sharkey |
Halo2 wireless pH tester for skin & Scalp (flat tip), Hanna Instruments For continuous pH measurements of flat surfaces |
1 | Gilbert | KBS Academic 223 | Kadeem Gilbert |
HERACELL VIOS 160i CO2 Incubator (165L) for flasks, Thermo Fisher Scientifc CO2 concentration range from 1 to 20%, temperature range ambiant to 55ºC |
1 | Rhee | MPS 4100 | Karine Prado |
Hyperspectral leaf scanner, LeafSpec For hyperspectral leaf scanning |
1 | Thompson | PSSB A261 | Addie Thompson |
For intensity and spectral composition of lighting measurements. |
1 | Rhee | MPS 4100 | Karine Prado |
LI-600 porometer/fluorometer, LI-COR For stomatal conductance and chlorophyll fluorescence over the same leaf area |
2 | VanBuren | PSSB A398C | Bob VanBuren |
LI-850 CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer, LI-COR For soil microbial respiration (Min C) |
1 | Sprunger | KBS Stack 237 | Meredith Mann |
LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System, LI-COR For gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements |
5 | Sharkey | PBL 210 | Thomas Sharkey |
LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System, LI-COR For gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements |
1 | Thompson | PSSB A261 | Addie Thompson |
LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System, LI-COR For gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements |
1 | VanBuren | PSSB A398C | Bob VanBuren |
NanoTemper Monolith X Measure and quantify the strength of interactions between binding partners. |
1 | Skirycz |
Ola Skirycz |
Pressure Bomb, Model 3005F01, Soilmoisture Equipment Corporation For water potential measurements |
1 | Sharkey | PBL 210 | Thomas Sharkey |
Pressure Chamber, Model 1000, PMS Instrument Company For water measurements for crop plants |
1 | Lowry | PBL 268 | David Lowry |
MIC-100X Rapid photosynthesis system with gamma measurement A novel closed chamber gas exchange system which estimates photosynthetic CO2 assimilation in 15-30 seconds using the slope of the CO2 decline after the chamber is sealed |
1 | Rhee | MPS 4100 | Karine Prado or Matt Stata |
HPLC with photodiode array detector and fluorescence detector, Shimadzu Separation and detection of pigment compounds, Nexera-i (LC-2040C 3D) |
1 | Lundquist | MPS 4100 | Peter Lundquist |
TerraSentia Robot, Model 2019, EarthSense In-field phenomics |
1 | Thompson | PSSB A261 | Addie Thompson |
SPAD-502 Plus Chlorophyll Meter Cholorophyll content measurement |
1 | Lowry | PBL 268 | David Lowry |
Walk in Cooler for PRI/Maize genetics program at AG Farm, Strafford-Smith Seed storage |
1 | Thompson | Agronomy Farm | Addie Thompson |
Thunder Imager System, Leica Microsystems Microscope LEICADIC, fluorescence, Z-stacks, computational clearing of images in real time, low phototoxicity, objectives (2.5x, 20x, 63x, 100x), LED8 light source for common fluorophores (CFP, GFP, YFP, RFP), Leica K8 camera, environmental chamber capabilities (heated stage, chamber for CO2, humidity control) |
1 | Rhee | MPS 4100 | Karine Prado |