Past Events
PRI hosted a bi-monthly event titled "PRI Neworking Hour" on the second and fourth Thursday of the month.
- 09/12: Dr. Sue Rhee, PRI Director - Best Practices for Scientific Writing
- 10/10: Dr. Olivia Scott, Acting Assistant Director of Multicultural Initiatives and Community Engagement - Mental Health Workshop
- 10/24: Dr. Julie Rojewski and Theresa Murphy, Office of Graduate Career Development - Taking the jump: Resources, Tips, and Tools for Surviving the Transition out of Academia
- 11/07: Dr. James Santiago, R&D Plant Physiologist at Soli Organic Inc. - A journey from Academia to Industry
- 11/21: Dr. Tom Herlache, Technology Manager Assistant Director for Commercialization - RCR Discussion - Protecting your Intellectual Property
- 01/25: Dr. David Lowry, PRI Associate Director - PRI Seed Grant Introduction
- 02/08: Dr. Sue Rhee, PRI Director / Dr. Gaëlle Cassin-Ross, PRI Training and Outreach Coordinator - Reimagining PRI Networking Hour: A Town Hall Discussion
- 02/22: Sheril Kirshenbaum, Scientist and Author, MSU - Communicating Science
- 03/14: Dr. Joanna Feehan, Rhee Lab Postdoc - Establishing Trainee Societies Discussion, trainees only
- 03/28: Dr. Stefanie Baier, Director of Instructional Development / Dr. Aaron Reifler, Director of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs / Dr. Julie Rojewski, Director of PhD Career Development - Exploring Resources for Grad Students and Postdocs at MSU: A Comprehensive Guide
- 04/11: Dr. Lex Flagel, Staff Data Scientist, Gencove - Industry career exploration strategies
- 04/25: Dr. Ryan Williams, Genomics and Data Science Lead, Bayer - Exploring Careers in Plant Biotechnology and Data Science at Bayer
- 05/09: Dr. Tom Sharkey, Professor, Plant Resilience Institute, Plant Research Laboratory - RCR Discussion - Plagiarism, Joint Event with Plant Biology Dept
- 06/13: Dr. Gregg Howe, Professor, Plant Resilience Institute, Plant Research Laboratory - RCR Discussion - Authorship and Publications, Joint Event with Plant Biology Dept
PRI hosted a seminar series called "PRI Internal Seminar" on the second and fourth Friday of the month.
- 1/13: Dr. Rose Marks, VanBuren Lab - Life on the edge: how to survive without water and other lessons from resurrection plants
- 1/27: Dr. Xosé López Goldar, Wetzel Lab & Dr. Nate Havko, Howe Lab - Impact of heat waves on the resilience of milkweeds and the interactions with their arthropod community
- 2/10: Dr. Daniel Anstett, Lowry Lab - Leveraging big data to study adaptation in a changing world
- 2/24: Dr. Matt Stata, Rhee Lab - Hunting for Intermediates on the Road from C3 to C4 Photosynthesis
- 3/10: Cristal López González, Gilbert Lab - How plant leaves respond to external pH changes at transcriptional level
- 3/24: Dr. Brittni Kelley, Lebeis Lab - Identifying the potential impacts of microbial seed treatments on soybeans and the surrounding soil microbiome
- 4/28: Dr. Anuradha Singh, Thompson Lab - Genetic analysis of multiple agronomic traits for optimal biomass allocation and improved water use efficiency during seasonal drought conditions in sorghum
- 5/26: Dr. Sue Rhee, PRI Director - All hands Town Hall
- 09/08: Dr. Kiran Shivaiah, Lundquist Lab - An Amphipathic Helix is essential for the association of Fibrillin Proteins to Plastoglobule Lipid Droplets
- 09/22: Dr. Brian O'Shea, Director of Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research - Introduction to ICER
- 10/13: Katherine Naasko, Sprunger Lab - Microbes under water: soil health and soil microbial community recovery after a short-term flood event
- 10/22: Dr. Hui-Kyong Cho, Rouached Lab - How does phosphorus play a role in the growth of plants?
- 11/10: Dr. Mohammad Mostofa, Sharkey Lab - Wounding and cryptic isoprene emission in soybeans
- 12/08: Asia Hightower, Josephs Lab - Investigating leaf shape variation in Capsella bursa-pastoris herbarium specimens
- The 2024 PRI Retreat was held from September 19-20, 2024 at the The James B. Henry Center for Executive Development. You can review the schedule here.
- The 2023 PRI retreat was held on October 5-7, 2023 at the W.K. Kellogg Biological Research Station.
The First International Summit on Plant Resilience took place from May 16-17, 2024 at the East Lansing Marriott Hotel. More information on the summit is available here.