PRI Celebrates Black History Month with Art Exhibit

A student views one of five illustrated banners celebrating notable Black plant scientists.
The Plant Resilience Institute (PRI), in coordination with Plant Cell Atlas (PCA), is excited to announce an art exhibit featuring historically significant Black scholars in plant science on display in the Molecular Plant Science (MPS) building February 2024 to honor Black History Month. This exhibit will have illustrative and informative banners celebrating the research and accomplishments of prominent Black plant scientists, including George Washington Carver and Percy Lavon Julian. Each banner includes a short biography and artwork by Maxwell Eckelbarger that highlights the research featured.
As a leading research institute, PRI seeks to be a magnet for diverse talent and leadership in cutting-edge plant resilience research. As an affiliated group, PCA shares PRI’s DEI goals to increase Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) undergraduate student interest in plant sciences and to foster a more diverse and inclusive scientific community. One of PRI’s many outreach goals includes this PCA exhibition program, which travels to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, and primarily undergraduate institutions to raise awareness of the impact that plant research can have on society, the environment, and the economy.